There are just few hours till my train will leave. After a week in the mountains at the summer school I'll fly to my wet recurring dream: the sea. This time the Aegean one.
If I won't come back, if you have no news about me or just bad news don't be scared. I have no unfinished businesses with this world. No debts. No unkept promises. Of course I have lots of plans, much more than I ever had before but, all in all, I had a wonderful life.
I made lots of mistakes and lots of good choices. I have no regrets and if you'll ask me what I would change, what I would do differently if I could live my live again, I would definitely say: "Nothing!"
Not even my mistakes - they define my, without them I wouldn't have the wisdom, the open mind that made me make the right choices. Not even my shed tears - they made my joys even more delightful.
Check the bottom of the page - if still no "back to summary" link in mid September don't worry, don't cry, don't mourn. Just enjoy your life every day like it would be the last. Like I do.
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