Sunday, July 23, 2006

... by human hand

Ages ago I heard that a digital watch was invented. In a hermetic communist country as mine was, we talked for hours about that news. We wondered if that was a fact or just a rumor. After few months we heard that one of our acquaintance has one. Ok, the news must be true.

Few days later, I saw my father in the kitchen, sitting on his usual spot, repairing something as he used to do after taking his meal. But that time it was a very small thing so I asked him what it was.
- It's Zamfir's watch.
- But didn't you say that he bought a digital one?
- Yes, this is it!
- Oh, my god, you'll ruin it...
- No, he gave it to me to repair it.
- But you don't know a thing about digital. How can you repair it!?!?
- No big deal, if it's made by human hand I must be able to do it, too!

So he did. I was amazed, I stayed with him just to see how a digital watch looks like. And he showed me not only the outside but also the inside. He described me the parts and how they work together.

- How can you know which part goes where?
- It's simple, they "ask" where to go, it's like a puzzle. If you pay attention you cannot miss it.

That sentence guided my life since then. Whenever I was about to quit, to declare myself unable to do something I remembered his words: if it's made by human hand I must be able to do it, too!

Your words make my life easier every day. Thank you dad!

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