Friday, January 26, 2001

Yes, just you in the corner

You are a piece of my soul.
The very best part of it.
The part that never dies.
The part that always shines.

If the heart has four chambers,
Love, pride, doubt, curiosity,
Which one belongs to you?
Don’t know but you live in all of them.

Who are you? Where did you emerge from?
How did you manage to turn my life up side down?
Electric storm that short-circuited my synapses?
Magnetic blast that attracts me like light attracts the moth?

You taught me how to love.
You made me forget about lust.
You shown me the beauty of life
In a way that I didn’t believe it can be possible.

Yes, just you in the corner!
In the very deepest corner,
In the very brightest corner,
In the very unknown corner of my heart!

26th or January, 2001

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